domingo, 18 de septiembre de 2016


   Sometimes I ask myself why I love fashion. The first thing that comes to my mind is my mother. If you ask someone who is his reference in fashion he would answer the question with the name of a famous designer like Karl Lagerfield or Tom Ford. In my case my mum has always become my biggest motivation to study fashion. Watching her making herself up before going to work, the smell of that cloth perfume, her nails, every Friday´s shopping, her indecision in every single clothe and the perfection in every outfit. She taught me how to dress and helped me to find my own style which has had an effect on my personality.
   For me fashion is not only what you wear, it is an extension of our personality, even if we do not have nothing to say. It is like comparing elegance just only with a jacket and a Prada bag. Fashion is everything; from the shoes you put on every morning to the food you eat every night. This industry tries to represent the human being in every century of his development. In 1920 Coco Chanel started to design loose dresses without using corsets. Behind that simple fact, Chanel wanted to express the liberation of the women with a movement in her clothes, representing the idea of a female who can face every situation. (
   Look around you… it is not only esthetic. It is a revolution.

Markel Urrestarazu.

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